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普洱餅 Puerh Cake
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2012年有機老白茶<br>2012 Organic Aged White Tea [100gram]
2012 Organic Aged White Tea [100gram]

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2023 Asia Culture Tea Class Intermediate $200.00

The Best Tea House Asia Culture Tea Class Intermediate Level

Tea Course: Chinese Tea Arts
A three level course to introduce to you the history of tea from China
The brewing technique to bring out the best from the elements
The wealth of taste and aroma
The health benefits

Intermediate level: The Brewing Techniques
1. Introduction to Puerh Tea, the history of the most popular tea
2. Introduction to Taiwan Tea species and its relations to China's Tea species
3. Introduction to the origin of Chao Shan Ku Fu Tea
4. An overview of Wu Yu Yan Cha
5. The use and preservation of the tea appliances
Four classes x 60 minutes sessions for a fee of CAD$200

Lecturer: Mr. Micheal Fung

Languages: English / Cantonese / Mandarin

Location: #1270 Empire Centre, 4540 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6X 4E4

For more information, please call us at Tel: (604) 232-1681

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 29 April, 2015.
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1 x 2013紅景天熟普洱茶餅
Fresh Rhodiola Puerh Ripe Tea Cake [380g]
2 x 甲級桂花
Osmanthus 100gram
1 x 2019 黃印鐵餅
Chan 1st Yellow Label Raw Iron Yunnan Menghai 450g
1 x 七子大黃印
Yellow Mark [1970s]
1 x 藍印圓茶乙級
Blue Mark Round Tea Cake - Grade B [1950s]
1 x 2001 明日之星
Future Star [357g]
1 x 2006 鳳山老茶餅7817
Feng Shan Lao Cha Bing [357g]
1 x 2018 五谷豐收
Treasure From 5 Mountains Yunnan LingCang 400G
[Five Stars Awards at 10 Years Aged Puerh Competition]
1 x 藍印鐵餅﹣美術字
Blue Mark Round Tea Cake - Artistic Fonts [1950s]
1 x 桂花單叢
Osmanthus Dang Chun [100gram]
1 x 2002 百年古木
Hundred Years Old Tree [500g]
1 x 2018 古韻探春
Rhythm of Spring Yunnan LingCang 400G [Five Stars Awards at Ten Years Aged Puerh Competition]
1 x 秋菊王
Autumn Baby Chrysanthemum (100gram)
1 x 2006 鳳牌金獎7811
Yunnan Feng Qing Golden Award [357g]
1 x 2015 干倉二號
Chan No. 2 Reserve Raw Yunnan Menghai [400g]
1 x 中茶牌大七子繁体字
Zhong Cha Brand Traditional Chinese Characters [1980]
1 x 銀毫禮餅
Silver Tip [2006]
1 x 綠雪軒
Green Snow Hut [2002]
1 x 2006 沁園春雪
Yunnan FengQing Raw Puerh
1 x 2018 壹捌青餅 八八青復刻版
Chan 88 Qing Reissue Collection Raw Yunnan Menghai 388g
1 x 陳香甘露
Chan Harvest [2007]
1 x 2020 八八方磚
Chan 88 Brick Raw Bulang Mountain 100g
1 x 銀毫禮餅
Silver Tip [2004]
1 x 1997 中茶牌省公司青餅
Chi Tse Beeng Cha [357g]
1 x 2007 五餅二魚
Five Cakes Two Fishes Raw Puerh [370g]
1 x 2011 長安第一餅熟普洱茶餅
Chan 1st Ripe Tea Cake Collection [400g]
1 x 2015 紅印鐵餅
Chan 1st Red Label Round Raw Yunnan Menghai [450g]
1 x 2008 五谷豐收
Five Mountain Harvest [400g]
1 x 2020 勁味十足
Chan Fullbody Power Raw Menghai 400g
1 x 2020 如意生餅
Chan Best Wishes Raw Bangdon Puerh Cake 380g
1 x 1996 真淳雅
Zhen Chun Ya [357g]
1 x 2018易武純
Purity from YIWU LUOSHUIDONG 400g
1 x 2007 鳳牌金獎7811
Feng Qing Golden Award [357g]
1 x 紅星鐵餅
Red Star Biscuit [1995]
1 x 2015 醉無言
Chan’s Drunken Tea Speechless Raw Lingcang [1 box include 2pcs x 100g]
1 x 特級玫瑰花
Baby Rose (40gram)
1 x 1998 八八青餅
Chi Tse Beeng Cha [357g]
1 x 冬梨單叢
Pure Pear Bush - Dang Chung [100gram]
1 x 紅景天生普洱茶餅
Fresh Rhodiola Puerh Raw Tea Cake [2010]
1 x 2007 秘境班章
Secret Ban Zhang [357g]
1 x 2002 易春瑞茶
YiWu Old Tree [357g]
1 x 2019 千年等候
Chan’s Wait for Thousands Year Raw Lingcang Bai Ying Mountain 400g
1 x 2003 雙江勐庫
Shuangjiang Mengku [420g]
1 x 紅印圓茶﹣大字
Red Mark Round Tea Cake [1950]
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