2020 勁味十足 Chan Fullbody Power Raw Yunnan Menghai Puerh Tea Cake 400g
The Best Tea House Collections. Menghai is famous located at southwest of Yunnan mountain with Altitude 2429m. 100% Premium Puerh From Hundred Years Old Jungle Tree
Taste: Wild Aroma and Strong After Taste
Step: 1. Warm the teapot with hot water and empty it before you put in 1/3 to 1/4 volume of the tea leaves 2. Add boiling water 100C temperature until the teapot overflows. 3. Discard this water immediately as to clean and heat the tea leaves before the 1st brew
Brewing Time: First Brew 5 seconds 2nd Brew 5 seconds 3rd Brew 10 seconds 4th Brew 20 seconds 5th Brew 40 seconds 6th Brew 2 mintues
Teapot Size: Between 100cc to 400cc
今春余(注:陈国义先生,下同)已进入人生七十古稀之年,为此余计划创作一款别出心裁的茶品与爱茶人们分享。经深思熟虑,并 以收藏『八八青饼』与创作『五谷丰收』的整体经验为基础,于2020年春,余在勐海精选头春古乔木之鲜叶嫩毫,再经余多年来品尝普洱心得而悉心拼配。现取名为『劲·味十足』。从品质与滋味 而言,虽未至造极但却已登峰。
『劲·味十足』当年新茶可即时开汤品尝,茶质味浓韵厚,回甘有力,劲味十足,滋味持久,随时可以达到七泡 有余香、十泡有余韵之乐。君如有意收藏,以十年八载为佳,愈久收藏,愈见陈韵超然,茶气更为彰显。