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2012 Organic Aged White Tea [100gram]

2012 Organic Aged White Tea [100g]

This aged white tea is made traditionally from the high mountains in the organic ecology of Fujian.
Taste: Herb Mint, Thick and round (Mild)

White tea is the highest traditional Antioxidant Tea. White tea can be drank immediately or aged for many years. The flavour of white tea becomes more charming through storage.

1. Use a teapot size under 500cc
2. Pour boiled water inside and outside to wash and warm the pot
3. Fill 1/3 of pot with tea leaves
4. Pour in boiling (100 C)water until half full for tea rising
5. Pour out the water immediately
Use water at 98C to make the first three brews.
Use water at 95C to make the last two brews

Brewing Time:
First Brew 10 seconds
2nd Brew 10 seconds
3rd Brew 20 seconds
4th Brew 30 seconds
5th Brew 1-2 minutes

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 01 February, 2021.
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2012 Organic Aged White Tea [100gram]
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